Our entire program will take place at Testing Grounds, housed in two historic buildings near the Queen Victoria Market.

The day ticket price is based on Australia’s median hourly wage, which was $34 as of May 2023 (Source: ABS).

If you can only attend a single session, you might consider the ticket price a meaningful gesture of support for the overall program.

  • 21 November

    12:30pm to 1pm

    Pell Mell Studio

    The Work of Collective Equipment

    Matt Keyter

    more info→

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    1:30pm to 2:30pm

    Public Pedagogies Institute

    The Knowledge Project

    Karen Charman

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    3:30pm to 5:30pm

    Existentialist Society

    Can Existentialism be both Atheistic and Religious?

    John Noack

    more info β†’

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    7pm until late

    Overland, Jacobin Australia and Paris End

    Radical Journalism

    Jonathon Dunk, Dan Lopez and Sally Olds

    more info→

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  • 22 November

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    1pm to 3pm

    Critical Research Association Melbourne (CRAM)

    The Writing of Disaster - Maurice Blanchot: A Reading Group

    Justin Clemens, Joe Hughes, Elliot Patsoura, Jessica Marian

    more info→

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    4pm to 6pm

    Melbourne School of Contemporary Art

    Other Worlds: Explorations in Space Opera

    Ted Colless and Leon Marvell

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    7pm until late

    Flash Symposium

    Imagine The Clyde + Open Mic night + screeds about the state of contemporary education and the university.

    NB. The Barrons are a man down. We will advise about the rescheduled live-show in due course. All Barrons tickets still valid. We simply have a bit of bonus for you.

    From 5pm - free finger food and $5 drinks. 

  • 23 November

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    10:30am to 12pm

    School of Political Economy

    What is political economy?

    James Culham, Tim Thornton

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    1pm to 3pm

    Platonic Academy of Melbourne

    Plato's Symposium: Play Reading

    Members of the Platonic Academy

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    4pm until late

    Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy

    On Present Concerns

    Jon Roffe, Dan Ross, George Vassilacopoulos

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  • 24 November

    10am to 11:30am

    Art Programme

    Heterarchy: a model for a non-institutional art org

    Jan Bryant and Katie Stackhouse

    more info→

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    12pm to 1pm

    Independent School of Philosophy

    Does only one thing make "life worth living"?

    Martin Black

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    2pm to 3pm

    Mongrel Matter

    Philosophy of Final Words

    Leon Kalumba, Daniel Stewart, Valery Vinogradovs

    more info→

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    4pm to 6pm

    I ζ„› AI

    Essays, Fiction and Interviews

    Sam Lieblich, Emile Frankel, Luara Karlson-Carp, Vincent LΓ©

    more info→

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    7pm until late

    Seventh Gallery

    The ARI as a site of para-academic experimentation, research and collective reckoning

    Dario Vacirca, Lucie Loy, George Aki, Jonathon Nguyen, Mel Deerson

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